Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Good Mental health

Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Good Mental health

Mental health is your overall psychological wellbeing. It encompasses how you feel about yourself and others. 

Moreover, it sets the blueprint for how you deal with everyday tasks and struggles. Good mental health not only helps us feel better, but it also helps us sleep better, work better, and form more positive relationships with people around us. 

Looking after our mental health is not something we should do if we are stressed out, anxious, depressed, or struggling. Looking after your mental wellbeing is something you should prioritize and invest your time in. 

Much like how you would go to the gym to maintain your physical health, you must put some habits into practice to boost your mental health as well. 

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The following are ten tips that you can adopt for maintaining good mental health. 

1- Give yourself a pep talk

Research suggests that the way you think about yourself can have a powerful effect on how you feel. If you perceive yourself negatively, you can end up looking at experiences in a way that authorizes that notion. 

Practicing positivity can help promote feelings of happiness, confidence, and self-worth. Give yourself a much-needed pep talk from time to time and remind yourself of all the things that you love about yourself. Adopt an optimistic approach.

2- Practice gratitude

In the everyday life’s hustle and bustle, it is easy to get carried away and feel lost. Every day is a struggle, and amidst that struggle, you may start feeling stressed out and ungrateful. This tends to make you forget about all the things you are grateful for. Practicing gratitude regularly has been linked to improved mental health and wellbeing. 

The best way to practice gratitude is to pen it down. Get yourself a gratitude journal and make a list every day. Make it a habit to do it on the regular. Allow those thoughts to encapsulate your mind so much that the pain of struggling does not get to you. Choose to be grateful for every small blessing in your life.

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3- Focus on one thing at a time

At any given moment, a million thoughts are running through your mind. These thoughts tend to get overwhelming and cloud your judgment. Negative thoughts tend to be more overpowering as opposed to positive ones. Therefore, make it a habit to focus on one thing at a time. 

If you are engaged in some activity, make sure to focus on that activity alone at that moment. It doesn’t have to be something fancy, it can be something as simple and routine as eating lunch or taking a shower or something major like a work deadline or an important assignment. Pay attention to all the sensations associated with that activity to really take it in. 

Once you start paying attention to the thing that you are currently engaged in, you will find yourself feeling less overwhelmed and more in control of your thoughts. 

4- Exercise regularly

Exercise is perhaps the best way to relieve your body of any pent up stress. Exercise has been proven to release mood-boosting endorphins and chemicals that help alleviate feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety. 

Also, Exercise helps boost blood circulation which furthermore, leads to a reduced risk of developing dementia. You can find more information on dementia prevention on forums like and more.

Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. It does not have to be a full-fledged workout. Start small with a short walk around the neighborhood or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Make it a habit to do least 30 minutes of exercise regularly, preferably outdoors. 

Exposure to fresh air and sunlight improves breathing and exposure to vitamin D, which in turn increases serotonin levels in the brain, a proven stress-reducing chemical. 

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5- Eat healthily

You are what you eat. Food provides you with sustenance, but more than sustenance, it helps maintain your internal chemical and hormonal balance. 

Carbs boost serotonin levels, which have a calming effect on your mood. Proteins help release dopamine, norepinephrine, and tyrosine, which help you stay alert. Fiber, such as vegetables and fruits, are loaded with nutrients that help regulate chemicals released by the brain. Fats, such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in nuts, fish, and more, help boost brain health. 

Research suggests every food group is an essential and integral part of a person’s daily diet to ensure mood regulation and cognitive function. They help restore the structural integrity of brain cells and keep them healthy. 

Therefore, it is critical to consume a healthy and balanced diet that boosts physical as well as mental health. Plan your meals according to your daily requirement and ensure a fair distribution of each food group in every meal. 

6- Seek support 

Talking about your thoughts always helps alleviate stress and improve mental wellbeing. Open up to a family member or speak to a licensed professional. You do not have to be dealing with a mental health issue to be consulting with a therapist. A therapist is just as essential for a patient battling a mental illness as they are for a normal, mentally healthy person. 

Verbalizing your thoughts and emotions and finding solace in their words of affirmation is an excellent way to keep negative thoughts at bay. Not only does this practice help reduce stress, but it also allows you to feel more valued by others. Furthermore, seeking emotional support helps you become more trusting and improve your emotional wellbeing. Surround yourself with kind and trustworthy people so you can create a healthy social circle.

7- Help others

Doing something for someone out of goodwill is very beneficial for your mental health. Research suggests that helping others can enable you to feel better about yourself and thus promote positive attitudes and improved mental wellbeing. Help others around you in any way you can to feel valued and worthy. Boost your self-esteem while enriching and expanding your life.

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8- Take a break

When you feel consumed by everything going on around you, pause and take a step back. Yes, it can get overwhelming, so step away and breathe. A break is exactly what you need at such a time to organize your thoughts and clear the clutter. Pause and clear your head. 

Do a little breathing exercise to feel more in control of things. It is a simple remedy, but it works wonders in keeping stress levels at bay. It is even better to step away from your current location. A change in scenery will allow you to think better and clearer. Take a stroll around your office or house or chat with someone.

9- Sleep on time

Research proves that sleep deprivation has a significant and lasting impact on your mood and overall mental health. Because of this, it is important to go to bed on time. Set a good time in accordance with your schedule. You must prioritize getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. 

Practice good sleep habits to ensure better sleep quality. Such habits include restricting caffeine intake afternoon, shutting down screens at least half an hour before bed, and practicing meditation before bed. 

10- Indulge in hobbies

Make time for yourself by indulging in hobbies. Everyone has activities that make them happy. Well, make time for yourself and be happy. If you enjoy reading, pick up a good book. If you enjoy painting, take up a new art project. There is a plethora of hobbies and activities to indulge in; get creative with it. In fact, try out new hobbies; you may stumble upon a new passion. 

Research suggests learning a new skill also helps the brain and mental health. Take up an instrument, learn a new language, take dance lessons, perhaps; me time is absolutely critical to ensure good wellbeing.

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Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Good Mental health

Parting thoughts

Start taking steps to maintain your mental health today. You have the power and authority to take the right steps to ensure your mental wellbeing. Do not wait until a crisis hits. Prioritize your mental health and form healthy habits that help you combat any difficult and stressful situations with ease. 

Remember to be kind to yourself. Give yourself the respect and kindness that you deserve. Moreover, cut yourself some slack. Start small and work your way up. Trust us: it is not as hard as you think. 

About Ashley Rosa:

Ashley Rosa is a freelance writer and blogger. As writing is her passion that why she loves to write articles related to the latest trends in technology and sometimes on health-tech as well.  She is crazy about chocolates. You can find her on twitter: @ashrosa2


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