If you are reading this, you are on your way to glory, or rather Europe, or another lush vacation (trip). Yeah. I know. It is a beautiful thing to travel and enjoy a totally new atmosphere away from home, but it’s not funny if the trip or vacation is eating deep into someone’s pockets! Ah, no one would unwind in that kind of situation. It’s soul-baring. You know that too, right? That is why you are looking for tips on how to save money for your trip. You’re not alone. And you’re reading the right post. What could be better?
The tips I would share can be used for a lifetime to have more than enough money for important things.
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In this post, I will be sharing with you tips that many travel lovers have used to get their luggage into that aeroplane with their family members without incurring any form of debts. Do you want in too? Read on.
TIP #1. Never Pay for Things You Can Do by Yourself.
Sure, everyone loves the air of being Chairman. But at what expense? You tend to spend more than necessary. This is the beat. Try packing your own lunch to work starting next week; try making your own coffee, and try carrying your own luggage. Imagine how much you would have saved! Oh yeah, you are thinking about what the neighbours would think… instead of that, think of what they would think when you video calls them to form the Eiffel tower, or from Hollywood! Look who’s laughing now.
TIP #2. Sell Unwanted Clutter.
We all have stuff that we no longer use. Not necessarily because they are damaged or beyond repair but sometimes, we leave them because they are too old, or because we have outgrown them or maybe because they are now lower than our standards of living. That is absolutely alright. No one will crucify you for that. But you need more money now, try to see how much these things would fetch you if you sell them off to people who need them more than your basement or storeroom. There are many outlets to sell stuff online, you have probably bought from them too. I’m talking about OLX and the likes that allow you to sell used stuff. After selling, save the money.
TIP #3. Have a Change Jar.
You know what I did that I found really helpful? I labelled a jar, made it opaque so that no one can see through it. Then I placed it near the T.V. and every beautiful scene we watch on TV, I would say we could go there if we put enough money in that jar! I tell you, I go to the bank to save the money almost every week! Oh, you don’t have a family, it is still feasible. Give yourself a spending limit. Every day, drop something before and after you go out. At the end of the week, you would be surprised at how much you are really making.
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TIP #4. Open A Savings Account.
A separate savings account named for your trip or vacation is the best way to track how much you have on the ground and how ready you are to travel. Be faithful to this savings and deposit funds into the account every week.
TIP #5. Go There Before Going There.
Sounds ridiculous, right? You can actually be in London in Lagos. There are several ways to go about that. But what I’m actually talking about is you researching the destination of your dreams and how to get there. Know what airline agency would be best for your trip, and how to save money to get there. Travelstart Nigeria is the best option in this case. They are the leading agency in Nigeria that gives amazingly cheap flights. Check their different Flight Routes on their website www.travelstart.com.ng. Once you know where you are going, it is advisable to save money by booking a ticket 4 to 5 months in advance. This saves more than the hassle, it saves money up to 40%.
TIP #6. Remember to Never Forget these Tips.
If you really want to make that trip or vacation in mind, you have to remain faithful to these tips.